if there is suddenly a packet of hot chocolate in the cabinet, i'm going to assume i can have it.
there is a man/boy/male singing bad spanish songs in the studio. to be fair, he may not be singing badly, and the songs may in fact not be bad, but it is bothering me to no end.
i left my salsa out on the counter. i hope no one ate any.
i can't wait for lunch.
i despise the new itunes store. i can't see complete song names if they don't fit in the space allotted them; there is no way to expand the columns. [i think i may have just used a semi-colon correctly?]
i really hate that when i am typing something that requires emphasis on the word "I," i cannot do it just with capitalization like i can with most OTHER words. i end up writing "IIIIII" and that's just not as clear.
this hot chocolate is delicious :)

edit: 4:15pm the boy is STILL singing. yelling, actually. at the top of his lungs. and i am at my WIT'S END.
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