Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my hot sauce is hotter than your hot sauce.

i'm making my dad some different kinds of hot sauces with the habaneros i grew this year.

i started with the habsolutely mango recipe i found online.


3 mangos, peeled & seeded
4 kiwis, peeled
3 1/2 habanero peppers, stemmed & seeded
juice from 2 limes
juice from 1 1/2 lemons
2 T of frozen OJ concentrate
1/6 cup of white vinegar
1/2 t salt
2 c water (i realized JUST now that i forgot to halve this portion of the recipe, but things turned out just dandy)

put water, salt & habaneros in large pot. boil for 15 minutes.
drain all but 3/4 c water (also forgot to halve this part).
put saved water + all ingredients EXCEPT for vinegar in a blender.
put back in pot and let simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
take off of heat.
add vinegar.
stir until cooled off a bit.
get ready for some HOT. SAUCE.


so while i was in the kitchen boiling these peppers, there were a number of people in the other room having some 420 good times. i began coughing uncontrollably, and soon did everyone in the other room. they thought their drug of choice for the evening was particularly potent. but i thought it odd that ALL of them should be reacting as strongly as they were. it's not like we had a room full of amateurs. i soon realized the real truth behind our throat irritations: the peppers.
the 3 1/2 tiny habanero peppers i was boiling in water was killing every single one of us. it was practically unbearable. i was coughing every couple of seconds, people were going outside to get fresh air. at one point my throat was so irritated and closed up that i took a big deep breath. i'm still not sure why i did that. i almost died and ran outside where i took a break from my peppers.
so beware.
if you ever boil habanero peppers, make sure everyone [including you] is out of the house.
don't worry, you'll figure out something.

[oh, but the sauce came out GREAT! way too hot for me to even envision eating. ever. but the flavor is so tasty, and matt, my hot sauce connoisseur, gave big thumbs up. this shit is hot.]

1 comment:

K said...
