Friday, December 4, 2009


i tried renting a car from enterprise today.
just now, actually.

matt and i go up to the mountains fairly often and since my car won't make it and i don't know how to drive stick and so can't help matt drive, he always ends up driving. 4 1/2 hours each way. the last hour going around 696 turns up 7000 feet. it sucks for him. i often offer to rent a car so that i can share in the driving, but it usually ends up being too much of a hassle. but this time we thought we pulled it together. i called early this morning, got them to waive the under-25 fee [5 more months!], made a reservation online, and had myself a compact car for 3 days for $48. what a deal.

at 4pm this afternoon i walked the 1 mile to the nearest enterprise location. the girl i spoke with wasn't too sure about my waived fee, but her supervisor informed her that she did indeed speak with me this morning and it was fine to waive the fee. thanks.

i cheerily handed over my license and credit card and another girl took me outside to look at the cars. i chose a small hyundai accent, silver. as i was giving leigh my information and she was inspecting the car, she asked me if i had insurance. i said yes, aaa. she asked what my deductible was and i said i had no idea. she asked me if i had full coverage. i said no, i only had liability. she told me she could not release the car to me unless i had full coverage, or unless i was willing to pay enterprise's insurance - $12/day. in effect, doubling my anticipated rental fee. i told leigh i didn't have to do that last time and she got her supervisor "to explain it more clearly" [I GET IT, I JUST CAN'T DO IT] who informed me that she was "sorry, ma'am [don't fucking call me ma'am], but you must have full coverage to rent a car." i was not ready to drop $86 for the weekend, and neither was matt. i called him to talk it over and he agreed. we don't NEED the car, it would just be really. really. nice. i asked the women inside if matt could rent the car over the phone. no go. "ok then, i can't take it. thanks."

they apologized [yeah whatever], voided my contract [i better not get fucking charged for this], and i left.

oh, but first they asked if they could drive me home.


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