Friday, May 14, 2010

mama mia's meatballz

i made meatballs last night.
i had a craving.
i indulged.


mom gave me this recipe forever ago and i had yet to use it.
they are easy as pie. er, meatballs?

1 lb chopped meat
1 egg
1/2 diced onion [1 whole onion, if on the smaller side]
handful of breadcrumbs
sprinkling of parmesan cheese
2 T parsley [i made that measurement up. just sprinkle til you're happy]
a few dashes of garlic powder
salt/pepper to taste

[really, the important thing to remember with these things is that once they are smothered in sauce and sitting atop a nice plate of noodles, they are going to be delicious. so feel free to be liberal in your preparation - i didn't quite realize how much i was until i realized just a moment ago that i really had no idea how much of each ingredient i had put in]

-in a bowl, mix all of the ingredients together. with your hands.
-form into balls.
-in a large pan over low/medium heat, fry those suckers up! [if you are using 90% or higher leanness, you may need a bit of oil in the pan. if using a fattier meat, you can just throw them right into the pan]
-and really, that's it. cover the pan if you want 'em to cook a little faster. they'll brown when they are ready. then i like to put them into the sauce pan to keep them warm while the pasta is finishing up. MMM!!

mama mia! that's a speecey spicey meata balla!!

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