Monday, December 14, 2009

heavenly hummus!

i made hummus yesterday for a mediterranean pot luck i was attending. matt made falafel balls and tzatziki. mmmm..

here is my hummus recipe! it is so so so good. like, really good.


2 16 oz cans chickpeas [most of the recipes i found online say to use dried chickpeas and cook them yourself. this obviously will work and is a bit more 'authentic,' if that is your thing, but honestly? my hummus tasted AMAZING and i used canned]
1/4 c + 1 T tahini
1/2 t cumin
juice from 3/4 large lemon
2 garlic cloves
1/4-1/2 c chickpea can water

Put the chickpeas in a blender and grind well. You may want to add a bit of the can water during this process to help the chopping along.
Add 1/4 c. tahini, lemon juice, 2 whole garlic cloves, cumin.
Add another T or so of tahini and [probably] a bit of can water and blend some more.
And voila!
That is IT!
If the hummus is too thick, just add some more can water.
[and feel free to add more tahini, or less, depending on your love for it. but i find the above amount to be just perfect.]

this will give you enough hummus for a small group of people, for sure. 4 cans will give you a large tupperware container full. i find that making this in batches of 2 cans is easiest on the blender - though if you have a fancy food processor you will be able to handle a bit more. just adjust the rest of the ingredients accordingly.


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