so matt suggested i bake something.
i had, after all, had an excellent morning baking banana bread. so why not bake more? it is the one thing that is sure to cheer me up no matter what.
i just baked an apple pie last week, so i wanted to mix it up.
we decided on strawberry rhubarb. mmm.
but after visits and phone calls to 3 different stores, no one had fresh rhubarb. ugh.
standing by the strawberries, i noticed how particularly tasty the blackberries looked.
thinking about what might complement the blackberries best, i settled on peaches. i grabbed what the scale said to be 1 3/4 pounds of peaches (just under $4). upon arriving at the register, thrilled at the number of peaches i had procured for such a small amount of cash, i saw my total just eek past $20. confused, i looked at my total peach price. $7.42 for 3.43 lbs.
i told the woman at the register that their scales in the produce department were wrong. i ended up purchasing double the amount of peaches i had thought! i don't have this kind of money! she said she would mention it to their produce manager. she'd better. i will be back.
anyhow. upon completing our quick pizza dinner, i got to work.
boy, it's amazing how quickly baking to the avett brothers calms me down. i'm lucky i live with 3 hungry boys who keep me from getting fatter than i otherwise would.
so here's the whole point of this post.
[i have yet to taste it. it is still in the oven. i will update immediately if i discover this creation is inedible.]
blackberry peach crumb pie
8 sm-med peaches
1 c blackberries
1/2 - 3/4 c sugar
2 1/2 T cornstarch
dash of cinnamon
crumb topping:
1 c oats
1/2 c packed brown sugar
6 T flour
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
8 T butter, softened a tiny bit and cut into pieces
-Preheat the oven to 400
-Peel, pit, and slice the peaches. Halve the blackberries. In a large bowl, combine fruits, sugar, cornstarch, and cinnamon. Gently mix together and put to the side.
-In another bowl, combine all of the topping ingredients and mash together with your fingers. [the best part!]
-Someday I will take the time to make my own pie dough. Tonight, I use Pillsbury pre-made roll-up dough. [I've had wonderful luck with this, time and time again]
-Pour fruits [and some of the juices] into pie dish.
-Crumble your topping on top of the fruit, so as to cover it completely.
-Place the pie dish on a lipped-cookie sheet [the juices are gonna pour] and place in the oven at 400 for 20 minutes, then lower to 350 and bake for another 20 minutes until crumb topping is golden brown.
-Take out, cool, and eat!!

edit: delicious.
a bit on the soupy side - maybe a bit more cornstarch? less fruit juices?
still more than edible, still absolutely tasty.
make it!

[also, i know iphone photos in low light are not the best way to sell your food..but trust me on this one.]
are you starting a food blog? it really looks like you're starting a food blog......
hey can you post some gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free creations? huh?
thanks. haha :)
ah! i suppose my last few posts have been about food. sweet foods. with sugar. and flour. and dairy.
i shall find some kristina-approved baked goods and make them just for you!
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