so here for you today, i have my own case of it.
sometime saturday, matt and i were talking about the film fargo and the fact that i hadn't seen it. so we got home and asked tim if he wouldn't mind downloading it.
i got to the gym and up on one of the tvs was steve buscemi. my friend jeannine commented on how great he was in reservoir dogs and then how even more wonderful he was in fargo.
i stopped at home after the gym to grab some things and checked the mail. in the pile was a piece of junk mail that i decided to turn over and inspect. it was from fargo, nd.
the film had not finished downloading by the time we got home, but it WAS finished yesterday, and so i watched it last night. and was not disappointed. i wished it had gone on for longer.

Great synchronicity! Hope you'll stop by our blog on this topic.We would be delighted to post your fargo synchro (a movie we loved) on our blog.
Thanks -
Trish MacGregor
you had really never seen fargo? i'm surprised! and that is some serious synchronocity.
didn't you just adore her accent? and the wood chipper?
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