i had a lovely weekend. nothing incredibly noteworthy happened, it was just a nice, happy, weekend. and now i shall tell you about it.
friday night i was sick [my weekend looks up from here]. i don't know what it was..i thought it was the fried food from the night before that were causing the stomach cramps, but when i got home from work and immediately crawled into bed [not to arise until 9am the next morning], i figured it was more than just the chicken fingers. i had a bit of a fever and was a tad nauseous and beyond tired. i slept on and off. matt went out and got me saltines and chicken broth, which i ate over the course of a long time while watching america's next top model. i began feeling a bit better before bed, and felt almost back to normal the next morning. weird.
saturday morning i went to EAT for breakfast with matt, chris, and tim. i ordered bacon and eggs and couldn't quite finish it all. tummy was still a little off. they also started using new potatoes for their homefries. instead of crispy, delicious, thinly sliced potatoes, they have small cubes with peppers and onions. not crispy. not the same. very disppointed. my arnold palmer was tasty, though.
matt worked upstairs for a lot of the day while i lied around watching hulu and doing other mindless activities to pass the time. we decided at some point that we would go for a bike ride, but matt had to fix our flat tires. just as he was about to start working on mine, we locked ourselves out of the house. chris and tim had gone to do laundry and all of the normal burglar entries were, for the first time, inaccessible. so we hung out outside. and it was great. we pushed each other up and down the street on the skateboard. one of us would sit on it and the other would run and push. it was remarkably exhilarating. i fell so many times and could not stop laughing. when chris and tim finally got home i didn't want to go inside!
saturday night we had grilled cheese and lipton's soup secrets for dinner [left over from my sick night]. that soup was a high school snow day in a bowl.
afterwards, matt worked for a little bit more and i began making my Seriously Sickeningly Unhealthy Cinnamon Buns [recipe to be posted soon]. as soon as the dough was rising we went over to charlie and baxter's and sat out by their pool with some of their neighbors. one of the girls there had a pure bred saint bernard. i don't think i've ever seen one before. she was beautiful. my timer went off which meant my dough was ready, and matt, chris, tim, and i went home, with charlie, baxter, and [c]k[h]rissy close behind. i told them the cinnamon buns would be done within the hour, which is presumably why they came over. but i forgot that once i put them together and rolled them up and placed them in the pan, they had to rise for another 45 minutes before i baked them.
they left before they were finished.
more for us.
they were finally done around 1am.
watched the new hbo show, Bored to Death, with jason schwartzman, zach galifinakis, and ted danson. not as funny as i had envisioned, but i certainly set myself up for this one. worth checking out. and i shall continue to watch.
chris fell asleep on the couch and started snoring unfathomably loud. we kicked him and threw things at him and he wouldn't wake up. he finally did and shouted something that sounded like 'oh damn!' the three of us burst out laughing, not able to contain ourselves when he yelled it a second time. while we were trying to figure out exactly what it was that had come out of his mouth, he turned around, big grin on his face and told that that 'lil' man' is what he had said. lil' man is the name of charlie and baxter's dog, who was nowhere to be found at this time of night. we figured he must have been dreaming. i literally could not contain myself and laughed for minutes straight. i was in pain. it felt SO good to have a laughing attack like that. it had been so long. and there has been so much stress built up in my life recently that i felt as if i were pushing it out of my body. this of course, is not true, as it is most certainly back, but for some reason it feels just a little less worse than it did : )
i woke up at 7am on the couch [what? when is the last time THAT happened?] and stumbled upstairs to go back to bed. woke up around 9, showered and went to meet matt's friend joel and his wife for lunch. joel is in the band broke city, which matt did some recording with last year. their songs are great! listen! joel lives in utah but was out here for a conference, so we met him for a quick lunch in between panels. we picked up allan on the way down, only to have to switch into his car after matt's started making funny noises.
we made it down to the westin by lax and ate at habit burger. matt and i had already eaten habit burger earlier this week, and eating it twice in one week, even twice in two weeks, is breaking our fast food burger rule. "but allan and joel and his wife just have to try it! i can't drive by a habit and not eat there!" said matt. so we stopped. and i [half] begrudgingly ordered a burger. ugh.
to the gym today or BUST.
joel and his wife are SUCH nice people. UGH! i wish they lived in los angeles. they would be such a lovely addition to our friend base. his wife is the nicest person i have met that has been wearing an ed hardy shirt. she was so nice that i didn't even notice she was wearing one. matt had to point it out to me. what lovely people.
we went home and sat around with tim and chris and chelsey, picked at the cinnamon buns, watched some Big Love and tried to figure out what to do with the rest of our sunday. matt and i went outside and rode the ripstick and skateboard up and down the street. some of the leaves on the street are changing color and it is beeeeautiful. the air is crisp and just before dusk the weather is perfect. we took the rest of the balloons from our halloween party and taped them to a big screen tv box out back and shot them with matt's blow gun. then we picked a lemon from the tree and shot that. then we got some soda cans and filled them with water and shot those. then it got too dark. sigh. hitting something with a blow gun is probably one of the most satisfying things ever. that, along with fitting the last piece into a puzzle and popping bubble wrap.
we sat around the house for the rest of the evening debating what to do. we watched indian jones and the last crusade. i had never seen it. jb came over. we watched some nature show about the loneliest animals. it was sad. we tried to watch iron man but were unsuccessful. matt and i went to my house to put a load of laundry in and then came back to hermitage. we watched the simpsons. lauren came over. tim put on true blood. chris went to bed. matt and i went back to my house and did more laundry, made english muffin pizzas, watched the office and 30 rock, and went to bed. i went to bed happy and woke up feeling not so bad for a monday. i dropped matt off at home and got an earlier start to my day than i usually do. perhaps the early morning sun is having an effect on me.

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