Wednesday, May 6, 2009

take 2

after staying up until after 3am last night, there was no way i could even think about waking up early to do my abs this morning [who am i kidding..i'm never going to do this shit in the morning].

so here i am again, pilates-ing my core into shape at work. today, though, i thought ahead. i wore a dress so that i would not have to pull jeans back on over my sticky legs [i'm lying - i didn't wear a dress for this reason, but it certainly worked to my benefit]. i turned off the space heater underneath my desk, and instead, during my 30-second break, i ran out and turned the air conditioner on so i would have a nice cool haven to walk out into. i also crunched in a shadier spot of the office. and, i waited until 5pm so i would only have to sit in my sweat for one more hour rather than 6 [again, not planned. couldn't work out til boss left]. and while i still wish i had a shower room readily available, i am much more comfortable than i was on monday.

i'm getting into a pattern [albeit random] of sticking to this routine once a day, and i'm finally beginning to feel my body's reactions to these movements and notice how certain aspects of the routine become easier each day while others seem to almost become more difficult [probably because i'm finally doing them correctly]. i'm figuring out which parts of my body are being targeted and i can now tell when i'm holding my body in the wrong position and need to adjust myself one way or another. it feels good to be doing this for my body, however small an action it may be. it would be nice to lose a few pounds [damn you, in 'n out] but i really just want to feel healthier and get my body in better shape, and, well, i've gotta start somewhere. and for someone who is not prone to exercising, this is a big step in the right direction. now i've just gotta keep it up..

also, i've had 2 liters of water so far today and my pee is still yellow.

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