Tuesday, May 5, 2009

i don't remember what you sound like

throughout the course of my day at work, i listen to LOTS of music.
boat loads.
each day we get packages upon packages filled with "HOT NEW MUSIC VOL. 385" and "LISTEN TO THIS CD BECAUSE I PROMISE YOU IT'S GOING TO BE BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU'VE LISTENED TO RECENTLY" and things of that sort.
to be completely honest with you, i couldn't tell you WHAT the fuck i listened to yesterday. i'll remember a band's name. i know that i put it into the stereo and pressed play, but God help me if you expect me to remember what that band sounded like.
why is that?
today there is indie music [which has, instead of being a term to describe the handful of artists who are going at this sans major label assistance, become one generic sound unto itself] and there is auto tuned music [thanks, T.I.].
that is it.
and it's a shame.
this isn't to say that there aren't a few gems that pop up every now and again [mozella, band of skulls...mmm, ok that's about it] but honestly, every single thing i listen to sounds like it could be off the same album. that's what we need. one huge giant album with every song made in the past 6 months on it. then i could listen to the first few songs, know what the rest are going to sound like, and only have one disc to place in my 'discard' pile. instead, i have about 100. i also have to empty my e-mailbox at least once a week to make room for the next mass of mp3s i will ultimately receive from artists and pub companies who really believe they have "the next big thing." ugh. you don't.

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