Tuesday, December 16, 2008

you'll shoot your eye out!

i can't wait for the annual christmas TV sesh i have with myself.

first and foremost is It's a Wonderful Life,' which you'd be crazy to miss. who wouldn't want george bailey to throw a lasso around the moon and pull it down for them?

second is the yule log. i generally spend about 7 seconds on this channel. but it's a staple, and the holidays just would not be complete if i didn't pause while flipping through the channels to acknowledge just how DUMB this is.

third is, well, quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever made: A Christmas Story.
thank GOD tnt/tbs/one of those plays this film for 24 hours straight the day before christmas. honestly. i don't know what i would do without it. that leg lamp? randy's snowsuit? ralphie's visit to santa? god.

if i can find my copy of Home Alone i will certainly watch that as well. hopefully with kristina by my side. what am i saying? if i can't find mine, i KNOW she'll have it. she probably keeps a stack of them under her bed for safekeeping.

1 comment:

K said...

i have two copies of the dvd, one copy of the vhs...and my little brother has an additional copy of the vhs. i also have multiple copies of home alone 2 and a copy each of home alone 3 and 4. i am fully equipped for a kevin mccallister marathon..or multiple ones. GET HOME FASTER!!!!