Thursday, March 5, 2009

red hookers for life.

every day at work i check the daily freeman to see what's going on in my hometown of red hook, ny. yesterday i was surprised [or was i?] to find that mike potts and his father had been arrested for carrying 119 packets of heroin. could this possibly be MY mike potts? the mike potts that called in a bomb threat to linden ave middle school while i was sitting in ms strever's 8th grade math class? the mike potts that i begrudgingly square danced with back at mill road, our long sleeves pulled down over our hands? [i do still feel bad about that.]
indeed, it is my mike potts.

i immediately sent an email out to my closest girl friends from high school: look what he did now!
i don't think any of them were all that surprised, but it sparked a short email conversation that in turn updated us all on another one of our high school classmates, pat dunn.

pat dunn FINALLY, after, what, 5 years? quit working at village pizza and is now working in woodstock as a cable guy [thanks, k]. this is a good thing.
he is also still dating lindsay pomerantz, which we know thanks to nina's diligent facebook stalking.

we've now covered guidance counselors, kim tedaldi's lord & taylor commercial, and the fact that macashin is now a conductor on metro north..

it's fun to be in touch about the little things from home. who's dating who, who's working where, who's in jail now..i realize how much i miss sitting around with these girls and gossiping every day in the lunch room or in nina's bedroom or even at village pizza. i hope this little correspondence will spark many more in the near future :)

i love you, girls!!

[tried to find an old school picture of the joint, but red hook isn't too technologically advanced and there aren't many photos up online..]

1 comment:

K said...

i love this