i've failed once again at continuing to write down my thoughts and ideas. just like when i try to keep a journal. i write for a couple of weeks [at best] and then, well, fuck it.
this is not intentional. this time i place all the blame on thanksgiving and the few days prior, during which i did nothing but bake pies. the days following, i did nothing but eat pie. no time for blogging. i just get off track for a couple of days and then can't get back in the swing of things.
i will also compare my lack of commitment to my gym habits. what gym habits? you may ask.
i then read kristina's blogs because i find them so entertaining, and subsequently feel pangs of guilt for not repaying the favor. not that she's refreshing my page waiting for new posts or anything...
this past week has been a blur. it's been incredibly slow at work, so it hasn't been a busy blur. it's just been a strange week. i keep having to double check the day. thank goodness it's friday. i've had a pounding headache since yesterday morning and just want to sleep in tomorrow morning. wine party at hermitage tomorrow night and i need to be well-rested. though i did go to sleep last night at 10. i can't even tell you the last time i did that. but matt's been real sick since the middle of the week, so it's been early nights and lots and lots of tea for me! mmmm...tea. i can never get enough tea. i could write a novel about tea. about how much i love it, at least.
i just ordered lunch when i brought in my own.
i'm so fucking easily influenced by chinese food. ugh.
that's the way to my heart, by the way. chinese food. chinese food and, well, some other less materialistic things.
1 comment:
no really. finally. jesus.
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