after hearing on the news that tickets to obama's inauguration in washington d.c. in january were being given out [for free!] by house representatives and senators, i decided to give it a shot.
later that afternoon i received an electronic 'thank you for taking the time to write to our office.'
you're welcome.
on november 21st i heard back from mr. berman's office, which stated that they had received 2,000 requests for a stack of less than 200 inauguration tickets. these tickets would be handed out randomly by a lottery. please respond if you would like your name to be included.
though it seemed like a bit of a longshot, i had a good feeling. besides, somebody has to win 'em, right?
almost 3 weeks go by. nothing. i assume i haven't won, and concede to the fact that, come january 20th, i will either be sitting in front of my television, hoping that my antenna doesn't crap out, or sitting in front of a computer with chris, hoping that we don't lose our internet connection like we did on election night. it's a maybe lose-maybe lose situation.
december 10th, two days ago.
an email pops in from howard's office. 'thank you for participating in our lottery. i'm sorry you were not selected to receive tickets. you have been put on our waiting list as an alternate.'
ok. you never know. someone might not claim their tickets. howie may be able to get some more tickets from somewhere.. i've lasted this long, better not give up hope now.
december 11th. 8:37 am. i wake up and decide to check my email. i usually wait until work to do this so that i have something to do as soon as i get into the office. but for some reason, on this particular morning, i pop open my trusty ol' powerbook and check out my inbox.
"Congratulations! You've been selected from the waiting list to receive 2 tickets from my office for the 2009 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony." it. more time.
i run downstairs in my tshirt and underwear, i don't care who else is around, my hair is a mess. i find matt making oatmeal in the kitchen.
big smiles.
more smiles.
some oh my god i can't believe its.
talk about a high. i was on cloud 9 all day long.
but i guess it makes sense.
i mean, somebody had to win 'em.
1 comment:
We are glad to help! We look forward to seeing you and Matt in January.
--The Rep. Berman Team
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