it is a major pity that it is currently only sold on the east coast. i guess they ship it as far west as chicago, but that's not far west enough. bitches need to export their brews to the west coast!
do it!
this fact does, however, give me one big, legit excuse to lather myself in the stuff while i'm here.
"but i won't get to have it again until i come back east!"
yes, i'm taking big fat showers in #9.
when i went to the store to buy some, i saw some kid i went to germany with back in '99. he didn't remember me. i think his name was jacob. i'm not too sure.
back in '99. geez. that was 10 years ago.
time is FLYING.
flying like batman, which i watched again when i was in the airport last week.
what a fantastic film. heath deserves some major award for his performance. and i don't mean a leg lamp like the major award in A Christmas Story.
i mean an oscar.
the oscars should be interesting this year. quite a few good films were released, many of which i saw, and many of which i would still like to see.
i should get on that. i enjoy watching oscar-worthy, potentially-nominated films before the awards are given out. otherwise i feel like i'm watching them solely because of their award status. which is partly true. but this time i actually want to see most of them.
so, i should get on that.
pardon my spastic posting tonight.
i had too many # 9s.
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