Tuesday, December 16, 2008

merry christmas, kids

the chicago tribune is taking online submissions of photos of children who are terrified of santa.
they've put together a book of them, as well.
these are some of my favorites.

this one should speak for itself.
santa's face is amazing.

this girl looks like a bitch.

this chick knows where it's at. if you're gonna scream, SCREAM.
also, make sure to hold onto your candy cane with a kung-fu grip, no matter how terrified you may be.

i bet she doesn't even get the chance to cry, she's so genuinely frightened by this man.
i would be, too. look at him. creeper.
i guess that's what you get when you visit santa at walmart.

this is my absolute favorite. the description for this one informed us that these boys were both terrified out of their minds.
i think they've gone into shock.

click my fancy hyperlink above for more gems.

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