there is a chirping in this office that sounds remarkably like a cricket on crack. it won't stop.
i suppose it could be the light. or something else. i'm not sure how often the 4pm crickets come out in los angeles.
a car just screeched by outside. my car screeched the other day and i got embarrassed, mainly because i didn't intend to squeal and i didn't want people to get the wrong idea about me [what idea would that be? i don't know. that i'm a no-good, careless youth who wants to squeal so everyone will look and see how cool i am when i'm really not cool at all because squealing does not, in fact, make you look cool? at least in my eyes?]. now, my driving habits are not perfect, no. yes, i text while i drive. i eat while i drive. i do things other than keep my eyes on the road. but i don't peel out. you know how you can trust that i don't do such things? i just had to look up whether it was 'peal' or 'peel.'
do you like my new tunic?
i bought it at target [the only place i can afford to get new clothes other than goodwill and erica's closet [yes, a friend, not a store]].

hmm. what else.
i have a good story from friday night, but i will save that for a blog post above this one.
i've been using the burt's bees milk & honey lotion that i got for christmas a lot lately. i keep it in my bag and apply it multiple times a day. it is so nice. i haven't used it in ages. i used to have a burt's bees sample pack with 3 little bottles of different lotions. it was before i understood how great burt's was, and i let these lotions go to waste. they were left in the hot hot heat and became watery and were no longer conducive to moisturizing. but now, i have learned, my friends, and this bottle will not stand to be wasted. i promise you this.
i watched the usa v canada hockey game yesterday afternoon. it was a tough one. i knew if canada won, i would be sad that my country did not win. but i knew if we did win, i would feel worse that canada had lost. so amongst all of the 'USA! USA! USA! HOLY CRAP OT! GO AMERICA! WOO USA! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, THIS IS AMAZING, USA USA!! AMERICA IS THE BEST!' facebook statuses, i found myself quietly rooting for a team that was not my own.
and we won :)
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