'what, you see someone famous?' asked jesse, nonchalantly.
i got a few good glances in before i made an actual attempt at being discreet. william was wearing tiny tiny jogging shorts, had long hair, john lennon sun glasses, and a large wool hat, brown with some pinkish design. felicity was wearing sunglasses and long sleeves and long pants, but very obviously is in very good shape. both of them. i expected william h macy to be a bit scrawnier, but boy is ripped.
we went outside where i pretended to use my iphone for something until they walked out past us. we walked back through the parking lot to get to our bikes across the street and passed them as they got into their big black mercedes.
i know 'actors are real people, too' but if that's true, how come i feel as if i am in the presence of GODS when i see some of them?

william h macy is not hot enough for felicity huffman, in my opinion. ugh. she is bangin
she is. but he is just SO GOOD. ugh.
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