i'll start by quoting my yelp review:
"I must preface this review by saying that while the pizza was indeed quite tasty, the only reason I am writing this review is because of the HORRIBLY RUDE staff, and so I would like my review to reflect this.
We walked in 5 minutes before closing [and I know, this is not good timing. but we had been up at Sequoia Nat'l Park snowshoeing all weekend and were absolutely famished] and when we asked if we could still order food [nobody bothered to ask us if we needed anything] we were greeted with a leer from the girl with the short brown-hair and a tattoo on her collar bone. She stomped around behind the counter making a huuuuge fuss about having had to take our order.
After we paid [and tipped] for our to-go order, we sat down at a table to wait. The same girl was huffing and puffing around the restaurant cleaning up and right as she walked by our table she very loudly said in response to an inaudible question from a co-worker, "well, we're going to be here for another twenty minutes, AT LEAST."
I was BEYOND appalled. I worked in food service for a number of years. I know how much it stinks to have someone come in 5 minutes before close. I've cleaned juicers and blenders only to have to dirty them again for the guy that walked in 2 minutes before we closed. I get it. But you never, NEVER let the customer know how you're feeling. Chances are they already feel a little guilty about walking in so close to closing time. If you don't want to stay open until 9pm, then close at 8:50. If the sign says Open, you graciously take orders until you turn that sign off.
I will not be returning to this establishment."
upon entering and receiving not so much as a 'can i help you?' or even a glance our way, i immediately turned to matt and started to suggest that maybe we should just leave. i didn't want to give any business to these lowlifes. but, we were starving. we were in the middle of nowhere, and the next closest meal was an hour away and would have consisted of fast food burgers and fries.
so matt, being the gentlemen that he is, politely asked 'can we still order?' only to receive glares, stomps, sounds of exasperation, and a 'we close in 4 minutes so any orders must be TO GO.'
"ok then, we'd like a medium pepperoni pizza." confident.
:silence: :rings us up: "sixteen dollars"
:hands credit card. swipes. rips receipt off and hands over. tip given. silence.:
we sit at a table with our backs to the front of the restaurant. our girl walks to the back and continues to make her annoyance known with her "20 minutes, at least" comment. i am SO close to getting up and saying something, but am urged to wait at least until we leave so we can assure our pizza is not spit into. i have never been so amped up before. i was absolutely livid. who is SHE to give me shit for walking in when the goddamn restaurant was still open?? FUCKIN CLOSE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SERVE ME. GOD. GOD!!!!
at matt's suggestion, we remain polite and do not stoop to their level. we take our food and peacefully leave. i figure i'll get them in my own sneaky way.
kill their yelp rating.
and if i'm lucky, get the bitch fired.

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