[just the other day i made the most amazing discovery. i can get one egg for $0.60 and 2 pieces of toast for $1.20. i can then take both of these things back to my desk and make my own sandwich. for $1.80. oh em gee.]
anyway. this is a new discovery so naturally i got really excited when i remembered my genius and decided i was once again going to pull one over on everyone.
i got my coffee. i went up to the register with a big smile and started to order my food. "HI. i would love one scrambled egg-"
"-we are no longer serving breakfast."
"oh. what? when did you stop?"
"at 11."
"oh...what time is it?"
"oh. okk... just the coffee, then..."
:sees the $2 in my hand: "that will be fine"
"ok nevermind, i will charge you for a small. $1.90"
:sadly hands over 2 dollars:
:opens register, there is no money in it: "hold on, let me get some change" :begins to walk to the back:
"don't worry about it."
i left and came back to my desk.
i looked at the time in the corner of my computer.
what a horrible experience.

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