i went to the 'when in rome' premiere party last night. in attendance [that i saw, at least] were rose mcgowan, justin long, and fergie. this was exciting. i stared from afar, or from nearby, in some cases, and acted cool. because that's what you gotta do in this town. unless you meet the avett brothers and just cannot contain yourself [see below.]
i spent the drive home marveling over the fact that i, jessica neilson, from little red hook ny, was just at a feature film premiere after party in hollywood with celebrities. matt talked about how when he was younger, anything his dad ever did before he had kids was the coolest thing ever. you used to play guitar at coffee shops?? COOL!! well now i can tell my kids that i partied with [:using this word loosely:] famous people. and i think that's pretty cool.
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