i don't remember what i did friday.
not because it was so good that i became inebriated to the point of forgetfulness, but because i don't think i did anything. did i? geez. i probably sat around hermitage watching it's always sunny.
saturday i woke up and made matt and i breakfast. scrambled eggs, fake sausage, toast, and seeded clementines that were virtually impossible to peel. by the time mine was rind-free, i'm pretty positive all the juice was gone and i was left with skin and seeds. tasty.
i cleaned up around the house for the rest of the morning and then went to pick up my car. $261 later and i've got myself a new, working turn signal. don't ask. keith, my skeevy mechanic, made sure to point out to everyone there that i was wearing my 'discount' shorts. i tried to make it a quick visit, but i was inevitably cornered while he told me about the various millionaires with "huge cocks! you wouldn't believe the size of this guy!", the girls who 'work' at the massage parlor around the corner and who "make so much money, you wouldn't believe it. and with most guys they're done in 5 minutes! easiest $200 you could make!" and the young girl he found using one of the abandoned cars in his lot to turn tricks with her 40-year old sugar daddy. "should i buy her condoms?"
after escaping keith's grasp [literally], i made some returns at joann's fabric and michael's. i stopped into home depot and picked up some potting soil for the garden. arriving at the hermitage, i found chris ladd, and we went to santa monica and met up with tim and jesse. we walked down the pier a bit, got some eats, and then headed to venice to stroll down the boardwalk. ahh, venice in the p.m. my favorite. crazies, galore!
seriously, don't walk there alone. it's sketchy as shit.
when we couldn't take the ever growing drum circle any longer, we peaced out and drove to find the canals that run through a small area of venice. i had seen them from a car, but had never walked along them before - i didn't even know you could, but we soon figured it out and walked canal side down along the houses. this place is gorgeous, and everyone that comes to visit me out here is now mandated to see these. the houses are ridiculous, the canals are real pretty by moonlight, and the foot bridges are adorable. someday. when i have enough money..canals, here i come.
then we went back home and chris and i drank some bottles of wine and watched it's always sunny.
sunday i woke up early to find charlotte in the kitchen cooking breakfast. what a nice treat! she made her version of chile quiles. mmm. william and i went to the spca to look at the animals. the cat rooms are my favorite. i hung out with this 4 yr old male named academy [lame]. he was so great. he had the BEST face. and when we scratched him under his chin, he stuck his neck out, closed his eyes, and almost grinned. real real friendly right off the bat. though when we were playing, one of his claws got stuck in my hand and now i'm left with a puncture wound and a bruise. battle wound in check, i went over to hermitage and pulled up the garden. time for round 2! i didn't have the heart to pull out the green pepper plant, though, because despite not being watered for at least 3 weeks, it's still producing fruit. so i'm trying to work around it. we'll see how that works. digging a foot down and mixing the soil is hard work, so i only got about 1/3 of the way done before i ventured inside and found a hungry chris and tim. we went to hugo's and got some mexican and then headed to menchies with william for some fro yo. mmm.
then we went back to hermitage and i watched more sunny. with chris. and wine..
matt got home real late, but i stayed up, since i haven't seen much of him since he's been working since he's been back. i was POOPED today.
all i want to do now is have a glass of wine...and watch some sunny.

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