i am not an american idol fanatic like my parents. it's a pretty religious event at my house. my mom keeps notes from each week. she met a contestant last year at the dutchess county fair and almost peed herself. well, so says my dad. i think he was secretly star-struck, too.
so while i do not have to go to confession for missing an episode, i do enjoy watching it when it's on and i'm free. but i missed the premiere on tuesday night because i was watching the biggest loser. [what? is that laughter i hear? shut the fuck up.]
jesse tivo-ed..tivo'd. tivoed. tivo'ed. *the fact that tivo is not a real verb is proving difficult in this particular situation.*
jesse taped tuesday night's ai for me so that i didn't have to fear about being left behind in the process. seriously, these audition episodes are key. KEY, i tell you.
since ai takes over the airwaves for not one night a week, but TWO, we first had to watch wednesday night's 2-hour episode before putting on tuesday's. i can't believe i watched 4 straight hours of that shit. seriously.
there were some entertaining contestants, though. the creepiest for SURE being this guy. i actually wanted to throw up. listening to him sing was rougher on my stomach than cleaning the shit off of jesse's roommate's cat's ass fur.
see you in hollywood.
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