after such a productive day at work [read: not.] i was so tired that i felt it necessary to take a 3 hour nap. the last time i took a 3 hour nap was when i went to bed at 6am and had to wake up at 9. it took place on the couch, of all places. i couldn't even make it to my bed.
i'm reading the secret life of bees. the trailer excited me, so i thought i'd take it upon myself to read the novel first. 2 days in and i'm over halfway done. i attribute part of my speed reading to knowing that queen latifah will be in the film.
it's cold tonight.
7-11 has to-go obama coffee cups. i didn't get any coffee, but i wanted some cups. cashier charged me 50 cents. what? i don't want to pay for no damn paper cup.
maybe if i had showed some interest in his mccain cup, i would've been off the hook.
and so, i leave you with some words about bees.
"Honeybees depend not only on physical contact with the colony, but also require its social companionship and support. Isolate a honeybee from her sisters and she will soon die."
she's so badass.
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