i know it doesn't.
and i know it won't.
and i knew that coming into this cross-country move of mine.
but that doesn't mean i still can't wish it.
i'm jealous because all of my friends back east are getting some snow flurries. i love snow flurries.
what i don't like, and what i won't be jealous of, is when, in a few months, the flurries become storms and the storms become white-outs, and the following occurs: i can't find my car because it's been buried beneath not only the snow from the sky but also beneath the snow that the snowplow thought would look best directly on top of it. i then spend a good 45 minutes shoveling said snow, only to look around to see that the rest of the parking lot has not yet been plowed. so i'm still stuck. and more snow is falling on my car. and then i have to shovel it off again later. and then i finally get out of the parking lot, but don't get far, because saratoga plows their roads for shit. and i'm sliding all over the road and my anti-lock brakes kick in and i can't stop (they should call them something else. the word 'brakes' implies that your car will stop.) so then i drive back to campus to the spot that i spent so long on, lovingly shoveling it smooth, only to find that another car has taken my spot. fuck you. i hate you and your fancy car and i hate that my feet are numb because i'm probably only wearing flip flops and i hate that the rest of me is so bundled up that i'm sweating so when i go inside i'm going to want to kill myself and i hate that campus safety only has 3 shovels for everyone on campus and i hate when they do have a free shovel because that means i actually have to go outside to clean off my car.
good thing i moved to california.
there's no way she's actually that happy.
that's just the cold freezing her face like that.
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