on sunday?
i had just hiked/jogged 6 1/2 miles and was feeling good and thought that since i was over by the pacific ocean, i should probably stop for a moment and pay my respects.
i parked my car and noticed a young male skateboarding in the road where the long line of beach cars are parked. i didn't give him any notice. other than the fact that i noticed him.
i found myself a nice spot in the sand [the art of choosing a spot at the beach is a mystery to me. everyone does the same thing, even when by oneself. 'how does this spot look? mm, pretty good. oooh, but what about over there? oh yeah, or that, that works. yeah, maybe just a little closer to the water? whaddya think? yeah, yeah this looks good. right? yeah this is good. right?']
anyway. i found my spot. i had my phone out so i could continue a text conversation with my boyfriend. and then i heard someone behind me. i turned around and saw the skater boy. i truly, 100% thought he was going to ask me for money and i was fully prepared to say with complete honesty that i didn't have any cash on me [and i didn't. it was in the car.].
skater: hey
me: hi
s: uh, would you, uh, would you like to go to like, uh, a party tonight?
m: :not expecting that: ohhh, i already have another party tonight [truth.]
s: oh, really?
m: yeahh. i have another party i have to go to. thanks, though!
s: oh ok, yeah
m: bye!
no chance, my friend.
but thanks for the ego boost.

see ya later, boy.
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