Wednesday, September 30, 2009

what would your mother think??

on sunday i was driving back from venice with chris and kasha. i was on lincoln, about to merge onto the 10 east. i was in the lane all the way to the right, with a bit of space on my right for cars to park during non-peak hours. i looked to my right and noticed a white audi trying to squeeze its way next to and in front of me via this not-really-a-lane-but-for-the-time-being-i'm-going-to-use-it-as-such lane.
well hellllllll no. if there is one thing i have become since moving to la, it is Queen Bitch on the road. driving in la sucks, and we are all going to suffer. there is no cheating allowed [except sometimes. when i really need to.].
so, i did what any confident, law-abiding citizen driving a beat up '92 saab would do. i did not let him in. i stayed on the bumper of the car in front of me while mr. audio laid on his horn. because i was obviously at fault.
i stared straight ahead while he zipped around back of me and pulled up to my driver's side window. i had turned to my right to say something to kasha when i noticed that he had stopped his car when it was even with mine, despite all of the room in front of him.
"ALSKDJFAKLSDJFLKASJDKFLJASKFDJA YOU BITCH." [yelled with more fervor and passion than you might imagine]
and he sped away.
i was pretty flabbergasted, a little hurt, and then got really worried that he and his friends might shoot me.
he didn't.
and i still won't let him in next time.

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