i woke up a wee bit late and laid in bed talking to matt for awhile before i ended up actually leaving the house. i fed the hungry cats and watered the garden [which is doing wonderfully, i might add] and hopped in my hot-ass car.
i listened to my bicycle mix on my way to work, which put me in a superb mood, since the songs in that mix are nothing but 'smile and be happy' songs.
for lunch yesterday i drove over to larchmont. finding a parking spot is always near impossible, but i found one...and it was free... ok, so it was blockbuster's customer parking only..but i was only a second! i ran across the street to my favorite bagel joint, sam's bagels, and ordered a hummus sandwich on a toasted everything bagel. it was perfect. i also realized i still had money on my starbucks card and so after being cornered by a canvassing man on the street and telling him that "i'm sorry, i support amnesty international, but i cannot give you a monthly donation, no way no how" i ordered myself an iced mocha. perfect lunch.
soon after i ate, john came into the office and told me that they were doing birthday cake in the main building at 4. each month peermusic does cake and ice cream for all the birthdays in that particular month. nobody knew it was my birthday [i don't work in that building, and i didn't tell anyone] but they soon found out [when i said to them "hey..it's my birthday, too.."], and everyone sang to me. the cake was so yummy and it was nice to take a little break with everyone.
i came back to my office, stuffed with treats, and finished up a bit of work. a little before 6, i got a call from columbia, inviting me to an avett brothers showcase [today!!!!!]. i got off the phone, freaked out a little bit, and drove home. traffic was an absolute bitch, but i made it.
i went inside for a few minutes, bummed that my birkenstocks hadn't arrived in the mail yet, hopped on my bike, ran to Jon's for some chocolate chips, and went over to hermitage. i met tim's lady friend from the ukraine and worked on matt's birthday present for a bit. then tim told me he was making CHICKEN TACOS. i was bummed because i thought i'd miss them. i was meeting matt and feldmann and foxy at the movies and figured the tacos wouldn't be ready in time [tim is an AMAZING but very slow chef :)]. but tim and katya were hungry! so tim got on it and i had time to eat tacos!!!! I WAS SO EXCITED, THEY'RE MY FAVORITE FOOD. really. they're the reason i eat food.
i biked home after dinner to grab my car and i saw a box lying on my chair in my room. my birkenstocks!!! AHHH!! they feel like a second pair of feet. they're so comfortable. i took a few minutes walking around the house in them and then booked it to the movie theater. i got there 3 minutes before the movie started. STAR TREK. IT WAS SO GOOD. seriously. i didn't get a SINGLE inside joke in that film [all you trekkies out there, you know who you are] and i still thought it was absolutely wonderful. i was so entertained. it's 2 hours and 15 minutes of action. in space.
...can it get any better? go see it. it's dark knight status.
then matt and i came home, made some midnight mac n cheese and called it a night.
boy. what a great day.

1 comment:
So jealous! Avett Bros. xoxo!
I make chicken tacos for my parents sometimes because I love them so much. SO good. (I can't make them as good as Tim does though... close, but no cigar.)
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