i wish i wore a bra today.
i thought it would be fine this morning when i put on my gray american apparel hand-me-down tshirt from erica. i thought, eh, it's monday. i'm gonna free-boob it. i threw on my new jeans [courtesy of Goodwill], my ripped birkenstocks, and strolled out the door. that was at 9am. now it is 4pm and my shirt has stretched. and, well, i guess it's still fine [i mean really, have you seen these things?] but i am starting to feel like everyone is staring at my chest. this of course is not true. at all. but i feel that it is all of a sudden much more obvious than it was 7 hours ago that i have no support. my shirt could do no wrong this morning, in fact i thought the girls looked rather nice. but after a full day of wear, i am wishing there was a lil more between my flesh and my shirt.
in other news, matt just had his 4th european show with rbf. they played prague and according to matt it was incredible. i'm so glad, because he has been feeling quite sick [sorry...my bad.] and hasn't been able to enjoy these shows as much as he should be. yay for those czechs - thanks for rockin so hard.