i wish some of my lady friends were closer [geographically] to me than they are.
most are in new york. or massachusetts. or new jersey.
closest one is in washington, still a 17 hour drive away.
and while gchat and facebook make it relatively easy to stay in touch, it's not like having one right down the road, or better yet, right across the hall.
just last night, after getting in a little tiff with matt, he suggested i talk to a girlfriend of mine, to get her perspective [at least somebody knows what i need..] so this morning [thank you, gchat] i did. and she told me that i was crazy.
every so often [more often than you may think] i find myself getting nostalgic for my girl time. i have a wonderful life out in california. a wonderful job. a wonderful boyfriend. wonderful friends. [two] wonderful homes :) but there's something missing. and try as i might, i just haven't been able to forge the same female-female relationships i had back at home, back at school. and i miss them.
i can't call kristina and meet her at the white rabbit after dinner and munch on vegan nut bars over a discussion about how drastically our lives have changed over the past few years. or drive to maria's and have just a little bit too much to drink and crash on the basement floor with my head undoubtedly in another friend's feet. or go to nina's to sit in her 2nd bedroom and watch trash tv all the while answering her next inevitable question about my sex life. or run down to holly's room and jump on her bed with some stupid development in my life that only she would get THAT excited about. or sit around with kasha, drink wine, and gossip about the music department until we decide we're bored and we should probably get in the car and drive to vermont.
these are the things i miss.
i miss kristina being the only person i can truly talk to about ANYTHING. i don't know if she knows that.
i miss maria being just a little too perfect and me [ME!] feeling like the "bad" girl when i'm around her [ME!!!].
i miss nina yelling at her parents in chinese while i'm on the line and i miss that the first thing she ever wants to talk about is sex.
i miss holly being as sweet as a friend can be and sometimes pissing me off just because she's so goddamn chipper.
i miss kasha getting me into trouble and knowing that whenever i'm with her something unexpected and truly memorable is bound to happen.
though, i suppose these things haven't changed. they're just not as conveniently located as they used to be. but these people and these attributes are still there. and when i need them, i know where to find them.