you were coming out of the whole foods parking lot [confessions of a hypocrite: i do go to whole foods on occasion. but for the most part, the whole foods crowd SUCKS].
i am waiting at the light near said parking lot. i let the car ahead of you get in front of me. CLEARLY this means that you get to cut in, too.
you don't thank me, you don't wave, you don't acknowledge the favor that you forced me into.
all the while, you only have one hand on the wheel as you are using your other hand to eat something out of a small plastic container - perhaps a free sample your oh mighty whole foods bestowed upon you?
you complete your swing out of the parking lot and take your place in front of me. you then THROW your plastic cup OUT the window onto coldwater canyon avenue. i blink. i make an airy grunting noise. because i can't believe you just did that. i can't see you anymore, but you are probably now simultaneously licking your fingers and answering your blackberry. oh, you are also in the middle of an intersection waiting to enter the freeway.
i hate you.